bEcome a Pilot

Private Pilot
Starting at $9,900
This program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of aviation principles and hands-on flying experience, ensuring you are fully prepared to navigate the skies with confidence.
Once licensed you will be able to fly you and your friends in VFR (Visual Flight Rules).
Instrument Rating
Starting at $12,375
The Instrument Rating course is a comprehensive program designed to equip you with the expertise needed to navigate solely by reference to instruments. Utilizing advanced navigation techniques, and instrument procedures, this course hones your ability to fly confidently and safely in low visibility and adverse weather conditions.

Commercial Pilot
Starting at $24,750
The Commercial Pilot's License course is an intensive program designed to equip you with the necessary skills and expertise to fly professionally and confidently. Utilizing advanced flight maneuvers, cross-country navigation, and commercial flight operations, this course prepares you to take command of various aircraft and transport passengers and cargo with utmost precision and safety.
Certified Flight Instructor (CFI)
Starting at $6,215
The Certified Flight Instructor course is a challenging yet rewarding program designed to hone your flying abilities and teaching skills. This comprehensive training insists of effective instructional techniques, flight lesson planning, and aviation theory, equipping you with the expertise needed to impart knowledge and instill confidence in aspiring pilots.